Benson Relaxation Therapy to Reduce Pain: a Quasy Experimental Study on Post Digestive Surgery Patients



Background: Postoperative  pain  is  the  body's  reaction  to  tissue  damage  (ranging  from  skin  incisions  to  damage  from  surgery),  stretching  or  tightening  of  internal  organs,  and  diseases  (eg  cancer,  spinal  diseases,  etc.).  The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to The  Different  Effect  of  Benson  Relaxation  Therapy  on  Pain  Scale  in  Postoperative Digestive  Surgery  Patients  at  Government Hospital in  Bukittinggi.

Methods:  The  type  of  this  study  was  quasy-experimental with  two  group  pre-test  post-test  design  by  measuring  the  pain  scale  using  the  NRS  (Numeric  Rating  Scale).  It  was conducted  on  October  2022  with  30  respondents  for  Benson  relaxation. The samples were chosen by purposive sampling technique.  The  data  were  collected  through  computerization  by using  an  dependent  t-test. 

Results: The  results  of  univariate  data  analysis  showed  that  the  average  pain  intensity  of  the  respondents before  being  given  the  Benson  therapy  technique  was  4.65  (moderate  pain)  and  the  average  pain  intensity  of  the respondents  after  being  given  the  Benson  therapy  technique  was  4.083  (moderate  pain).

Conclusion: It  can  be  concluded that  the  Benson relaxation therapy  interventions  had  the  effect  on  reducing  the  pain  scale  of  post-digestive  surgery  patients. It is hoped that this therapy can be used as an alternative therapy for treating pain patients, especially post-operative patients.


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