The Relationship between Effective Communication (Verbal and Non-Verbal) and the Use of Gadgets in Preschool Age Children


  • Tri Mulia Ningsih Fort de Kock Uniersity Author


effective communication, verbal, non-verbal, children, gadget


The use of gadgets in preschool children has almost doubled, from 38% to 72% of all children in the world. While in Indonesia, internet usage reaches 25.2 % of all gadget usage in the 5-9 year age range. The use of gadgets in children is greatly influenced by parental supervision and guidance. One thing parents can do is build effective communication with children in the form of verbal and non-verbal communication. Effective communication includes the use of appropriate words ( verbal communication ) as well as non-verbal signals , such as facial expressions and body language. Likewise, when parents guide their children in using gadgets in a healthy and wise manner by using effective communication. This study aims to determine the relationship between effective communication (verbal and non-verbal) and gadget use in preschool children . This study uses an analytical observational design with a cross-sectional study approach. The sampling technique used is total sampling with population research as many as 78 respondents in TK Islam Al-Ishlah. The instrument in this study used an effective communication questionnaire sheet (verbal and non-verbal) presented in the form of statements with measurements using a Likert scale and a gadget usage questionnaire that had been validated and rehabilitated. The results of the study showed that effective communication (verbal and non- verbal) was mostly in the poor category. The intensity and attitude of gadget use in preschool children were in the bad category. The results of the Chi -Square test obtained a p-value = 0.033 (p <0.033), meaning that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between effective communication (verbal and non-verbal) and gadget use in preschool children .


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