The Relationship of Effective Parents' Communication on  Tantrum in Preschool Children


  • Ranti Adsa Puskesmas Author
  • Fitrianola Rezkiki Universitas Fort De Kock Author


Effective communication, tantrum, preschool children


Background: Psychological disorders in children are tantrums, uncontrolled emotional behavior in children  such as anger, for example, hitting, kicking, screaming and pathetic behavior such as  whining, crying loudly, rolling on the floor. The incidence of tantrums in children aged 18-24  months is 87% to 90% at the age of 30-36 months, decreasing to 59%. Meanwhile, the  number of communication incidents in the good category is 88.3%. Children's emotional  development is influenced by changes in interaction patterns and communication patterns  within the family. Communication between parents and children is very important, in this  communication there are two types of communication, namely verbal and non-verbal,  communication as a bridging medium in relationships between family members. This  research aims to determine the relationship between effective parental communication and  tantrums in preschool children.

Methods: The research used was descriptive analytic with a cross  sectional study approach. The population in this study are parents who have preschool age  children, which will be carried out at 3 health centers, namely Semurup, Kemantan, Depati  Tujuh health centers, with a total sample of 145 children at Kerinci district health centers.  Sampling used total sampling where all mothers had preschool age children.

Results: The research  results showed that parental communication was not good (49.7%) and children experienced  tantrums (59.3%). Based on the results of the Chi Square statistical test, it was found that the  p value was 0.000 > 0.05 and the result or = 81.66.

Conclusion: It could be concluded that there was a  relationship between parental communication and tantrums in children. It is hoped that  parents can explain to children using verbal and non-verbal communication.


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